Pass the audition of the theater company even if you are inexperienced (beginner) by nobu88888

Pass the audition of the theater company even if you are inexperienced (beginner)

Pass the audition of the theater company even if you are inexperienced (beginner)

Many people want to join a theater company, but the purpose of joining a theater company varies from person to person. There may be people who are aiming to appear on the so-called stage (musical), or are they aiming for the entertainment world, or for other reasons. However, although I said that I wanted to join the group, I’m wondering if it’s okay for me, who is completely inexperienced (beginner) in singing, dancing, and acting.

For such people, this time I would like to introduce whether even inexperienced (beginners) can pass the theater company audition, and what kind of things will be done in the audition. And while explaining how difficult it is to join a theater company, I would like to explain what kind of things you should start with to get closer to joining a theater company. However, let’s keep it as a reference.

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1 Clarify what you want to join the theater company
1.1 The reality is that only a small number of people can live as members of the theater company.
2 Can a beginner (inexperienced) pass the audition of the theater company?
3 First, let’s challenge an audition with no experience
4 Audition Part 1 [First screening]
4.1 To take a picture that can pass the first screening
4.2 About clothes for audition photos
4.3 About the shooting location of audition photos
4.4 Motivation for application form (resume) and how to write self-promotion
5 Audition Part 2 [Secondary Examination]
5.1 Growth potential and future potential are more important than acting and singing in the practical examination
5.2 Interviews (questions and answers) conducted in the second screening
5.3 Thorough minimum courtesy and manners
6 Make sure you develop your dreams in the lessons of the training school
6.1 Recommended training center to get closer to your dreams
7 Let’s grasp the color of the theater company in advance so that you will not regret it
Clarify what you want to join the theater company
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
The reasons for wanting to join a theater company differ depending on the person and age. For example, those who are aiming to play the leading role Annie in “Annie”, which is the gateway to child musicals, those who are aiming to join the famous “Takarazuka Revue” and “Shiki Theater Company”, or those who make their debut in the entertainment world. There are various people who want to acquire other skills such as acting at a theater company (training center).

In a word, the theater company wants to enter a training school (school) such as “Theatrical Company Himawari” or “Theatrical Company Tohai”, or as mentioned earlier, “Takarazuka Revue” or “Shiki Theater Company”. Let’s clarify whether you want to join a major theater company like this. There is no doubt that both are theater companies, but depending on the path you are aiming for, the theater companies you should join are slightly different.

Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
To explain the difference quickly, at training centers such as “Himawari Theater Group” and “Himawari Theater Group”, some excellent and talented people take lessons for commercials and dramas. I will be appearing. At first, there are many jobs as extras and few guarantees, but by stepping on such a number of places, it will gradually become possible for some people to appear in the leading role, and there will be corresponding guarantees.

On the other hand, “Takarazuka Revue” and “Shiki Theater Company”, which are famous as extremely difficult to join, do not suddenly stand on the stage (musical) if they pass the audition first. “Takarazuka Revue” is at Takarazuka Music School (about 2 million yen or more in two years), and “Shiki Theater Company” takes one year lessons. In both cases, if you can become a research student at first and then become a member of a theater company from a strict magnification, you will be able to set up on the stage and get paid.

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It is also a reality that only a small number of people can live as members of the theater company
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
It is the same that only a small number of people, whether they are members of a theater company or entertainers, can eat by themselves. Even if you spend a lot of money to take professional lessons, it depends on your ability and luck whether you can become a member of a theater company or make your debut in the entertainment world. Especially in the case of members of a theater company, there are many cases where it is necessary to open a business to handle tickets for the stage, and if they cannot sell out, they may have to buy the tickets at their own expense.

The places where salaries are paid like “Shiki Theater Company” are very limited, and the world of the stage (musical) is tougher than I think. Of course, even in the entertainment world, no matter how much money you spend on lessons in the past, it is up to the office and viewers to decide whether or not there is a final demand. While there are people in the world who are pursuing their dreams while working part-time, there are many who cannot find employment at all due to their qualifications and age.

Can a beginner (inexperienced) pass the audition of the theater company?
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
There are many people who are aiming to join famous major theater companies such as “Shiki Theater Company” and “Takarazuka Revue”, but to be honest, the world is sweet enough for a complete beginner (inexperienced) to pass. Is not. If you have a little experience in singing, dancing, or acting, or if you have participated in school club activities or cultural festivals in the past, it will not work at all. Let’s never fall in love with such achievements.

In the auditions of famous theater companies as mentioned above, practical skills and interviews are conducted in the second screening, and although it is rough, the screening of singing, dancing, acting, etc. is basically performed. Most of the people who can pass the audition are advanced people who have taken full-scale lessons such as ballet and singing since childhood, and those who are judged to be more elite from those advanced people finally enter the school. You can take lessons.

Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
It’s important to have a dream, but even if a complete amateur applies for an audition where advanced people gather, it will be difficult to become a member of a theater company or even enter a theater company school in the first place. So, first of all, it is necessary to acquire the ability to pass in the industry by going to a training school, and of course it takes a lot of money to go, so it is sweet to be free without spending money Let’s throw away the illusion.

On the other hand, even if you are thinking of joining a theater company in a training school aiming for the entertainment world (actor), let’s understand that there is no famous training school that you can enter for free or cheaply. If you pass the audition as a scholarship student, you may be exempted from some or all of the entrance fee, but it is not easy to become a scholarship student. And the costly and well-known training centers offer high-level lessons and equipment at a high price.

First of all, let’s challenge the audition without any experience
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Basically, you can apply for most auditions except for your age, but if you belong to a major office or theater company, you need to have the appropriate ability. So, if you are seriously aiming for a stage debut or a debut in the entertainment world, why not start by taking an audition that is being recruited by a training school or school.

However, for those who are auditioning for the first time, what is being done in the audition and what to be aware of in order to pass it is a completely unknown world for beginners. The content of the audition may differ slightly depending on the office or theater company, but it is not so different, so it is important to get used to it by taking various auditions.

Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
In both the stage and the entertainment world, most of the people who are aiming for their debut are those who audition for major companies or wait for scouts. For example, if you are a major theater company, if you become a member of a theater company, you will certainly get a salary, if you belong to a major entertainment agency, you can take lessons for free, and if there is demand, you will have more jobs and a lot of guarantees. However, the reality is that the passing rate of auditions is very low for both major theater companies and offices.

Even if you apply for an audition that a major company is looking for without any knowledge, experience, or ability, you will not pass it unless you find a talented person who has found a great future. Those who are still active in any field understand how detours (taking lessons at training centers) will eventually become a shortcut, and only those who have been steadily spending the era of laying down. Then, I will introduce the audition contents and tips for passing from the following items.

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Audition Part 1 [First screening]
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Basically, you need to have a resume and a photo for the first screening of any audition. Recently, there are places where you can apply online directly from the official website, but there are also places where you can download and print a special application form, and after filling out the application guidelines, enclose the photo and mail it. If you don’t have a special application form, you can purchase a resume sold at the shop and mail it with a photo.

What is important in the first screening (document screening) is the motivation and self-promotion that you filled out in the photo and resume. Some application forms have a place to enter your background, but you can make a stronger appeal to the judges by filling in lessons and graduation from the training school. Please note that you will often have two photos, a bust-up photo and a full-body photo, and if the photo is not suitable for your application, you may be rejected before you see the application form.

To take a picture that can pass the first screening
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Instead of just taking a selfie of yourself, you need to prepare a photo for it in order to apply for the audition. In the case of a full-body photo, be sure to face the front so that it goes from the tip of the head to the toes of the feet, and the camera can make the legs look longer by taking a picture from the height of the navel in the middle of the body. Posing should be limited to crossing your legs and never excessively posing.

Make sure that the bust-up photo is from the chest to the tip of your head, and be sure to face the front as well. The main parts are the face and facial expressions, so if you have long bangs, separate or raise them so that you can see the forehead and shoot with a natural smile. You don’t have to worry about dentition and acne, and you can heal as much as you want after you belong.

About clothes for audition photos
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
As for clothes, as long as you can see the line of your body and have a clean feeling, there is often no problem with any clothes or colors. In general, women can safely wear shorts or miniskirts on their tank tops, or shoulder-length and mini-length dresses. If you’re a man, it’s okay to wear a shirt and slender trousers. The color of the clothes is also an important point that unexpectedly impresses the judges.

Even in fields other than theatrical companies, such as voice actors, which seemingly have nothing to do with style or clothing, photography is a very important part for breaking through the first screening, so I want to keep an eye on it. If you are aiming for the entertainment world, you don’t have to worry about your face or style. For babies and children, it’s not always necessary to wear branded clothing, so be sure to choose clothing that suits you.

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About the location where the audition photo was taken
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
You can take pictures outside or at home, but be sure to take them in a bright place.

let’s do it. If you’re shooting in the house, the background should be curtains or doors, both of which should be just one color and not too flashy. It is better not to shoot with a flash, but to shoot in a bright room where the sun shines, but if the sunlight is too strong, it will have the opposite effect, so soft sunlight in the morning is the best.

When shooting outside, it seems common for the background to be a park or the sky. One thing to keep in mind when shooting in the park is that you don’t want to see too many people in the picture. In other words, if the background is not messy, you can shoot anywhere. It seems that some people sometimes send photos with friends for some reason, but be careful as it is only a material for failure. For babies, don’t mess with toys.

Motivation for application form (resume) and how to write self-promotion
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Both motivation and self-promotion are essential parts for passing the first screening. Let’s briefly summarize why you chose this theater company (office) from among many motives, and what kind of future you are envisioning by belonging. It may be good to write not only a simple reason such as “because XX belongs”, but also what kind of benefits you can get by choosing this theater company that other theater companies do not have.

Regarding self-promotion, narrow down to one of the feats and hobbies that you are most confident about. If you write as short as possible about when you started learning that feat, why you thought you should learn it, what kind of experience and achievements you achieved with that feat, etc., it will not affect the judges. .. There is a clear difference between aspirational motives and self-promotion, but they are still the same in terms of appealing to you.

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Audition Part 2 [Secondary Examination]
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
The meaning of the audition is from the second screening, where practical skills and interviews are held, and depending on the location, camera tests may also be held. If there is a special skill that can be done on the spot, it may be shown on the spot during the question and answer session. In the second screening, we actually meet with the audition participants and judge their acting ability, singing ability, and dancing ability through practical skills, but their humanity is strictly seen.

In addition to basic courtesy and etiquette, it is important to make a good impression on staff other than the judges as well as to pass the second screening. From babies to minors, parents will participate in the audition, and parents are also carefully checked by the judges, so be aware of how to deal with your child and attitudes and remarks to the venue staff. This is where I want to go.

Growth potential and future potential are more important than acting and singing in the practical examination
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
If you are a major theater company or office, it is difficult to pass in the second screening if you do not have the ability to perform and sing. However, since training centers will learn skills from now on, there is a tendency to emphasize the minimum motivation and enthusiasm rather than practical skills. Of course, there is a possibility that you will be selected as a scholarship student for those who already have the ability.

As a simple flow of the second screening, there is a pattern that the script is enclosed in the documents that passed the first screening, or it is handed over at the audition venue on the day or a briefing session is held. You don’t have to worry because the script and dance of the acting you are given is not difficult, but if you can afford it, you don’t just act according to the script, but you want to put your own originality there.

About the interview (question and answer) conducted in the second screening
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Depending on the location, group (whole) interviews or individual interviews are held, but in general, judges often ask questions while looking at the application form (resume) prepared in the first screening. You will never be asked unreasonable demands or difficult questions, so just relax and answer the questions without being nervous. Don’t mess around with what you haven’t heard when asked, just answer what you’re asked.

Obviously, be careful about how you speak to the judges, avoid saying “dangerous” or “seriously” that you usually use, and always speak in honorifics, not in tame words. I know I’m nervous, but I’ll do my best to make a good impression on the judges by speaking loudly. Don’t forget to smile and give a lively and positive impression, and always be aware of positive remarks instead of negative remarks in self-promotion.

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Thorough minimum courtesy and manners
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
As I mentioned many times before about the importance of courtesy and etiquette, humanity is also judged quite rigorously in the second screening, so those who are auditioning with a half-hearted feeling will be limited in an instant. .. A typical example is late arrival, but if you are late for the audition venue, you will almost always be rejected. If possible, I would like to arrive at the venue 30 minutes to 1 hour in advance.

And make sure to give a good impression to the staff at the venue, even if you are not a judge. It is important to be aware that you are always being watched, as it is possible that you may be connected to the people involved in unexpected places. At the venue, you may have to wait in the waiting room until your turn comes, but don’t talk to other people and just wait for your turn. This is especially important for those who are used to auditions.

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After making sure that every dream is proficient in the lessons of the training school
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
From those who want to join a major theater company to those who are aiming to make their debut in the entertainment world, both begin with acquiring the ability to be accepted in the industry. If you only need to play or have a hobby, you can refer to reference books and online videos. However, if you want to become a professional in earnest, it is probably the quickest way to learn from a professional in the industry.

For example, in order to join a theater company, you need to have the minimum singing ability, acting ability, and dancing ability, but if you can do these three things, you cannot always become a member of the theater company. Each one requires more detailed expressiveness, and the training center teaches detailed tips that cannot be learned from books and videos, and lacks even one dance, singing, or acting ability. should not do.

Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
If you want to go on the stage (musical) road, the famous one is “Musical Academy”. Here, not only the skills and expressiveness to stand on the stage, but also only graduates and selected people can take the “Advance Academy”. The tuition fee for “Musical Academy” is about 200,000 yen for 6 months including entrance fee and consumption tax, and 600,000 yen for 1 year for “Advance Academy”.

For those who want to enter the entertainment world, it is recommended to go to popular training centers such as “Himawari Theater Group” and “Himawari Theater Group” as mentioned at the beginning. You can take lessons that meet the needs of not only the entertainment world but also those who want to perform on stage (musical). Since there are so many training centers in the world, the above two are taken as examples, but I will omit them because there are no other points to introduce.

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What are the characteristics of people who audition? Face and body shape are related to passing by nobu88888

What are the characteristics of people who audition? Face and body shape are related to passing

What are the characteristics of people who audition? Face and body shape are related to passing

Various auditions are held all over the country every year, but I think there are many people who just failed the results even though they applied for it. It depends on the person, such as those who have taken perfect measures for the audition, those who have taken appropriate measures, and those who applied for the audition with almost no measures. However, if the selection continues so far, the characteristics of the people who will be auditioned will be worrisome.

So this time, I would like to introduce the characteristics of the people who audition. Some people are worried or wondering if auditions are related to their appearance such as face and body shape, but are they really related? From parents who want to be a baby model to those who want to be a model, voice actor, singer, or actor, we hope you will find it useful.

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1 Show your personality instead of doing the same thing as others
2 About the characteristics of people who audition
3 What are the characteristics of those who pass the first screening?
3.1 Profile photo to pass the first screening
3.2 Motivation / self-promotion to pass the first screening
4 What are the characteristics of those who pass the second screening?
4.1 Those who audition will not be late
4.2 People who pass the audition have a good impression other than the judges
4.3 Keep in mind that parents are also subject to examination if accompanied
4.4 Recipients can talk to Hakihaki and have a loud voice
5 Is the face and body shape related to the audition?
5.1 One of the appeals is the large number of followers on SNS
6 People who audition are always energetic and positive
6.1 What you always want to have curiosity and aspirations
7 How much effort did you make before you auditioned?
8 Are you prepared and challenged to accept any job?
9 Those who pass the audition go to the training school
10 Be careful not to get used to the audition
Show your personality instead of doing the same thing as others
Person who receives the audition Features Face
Even if you say an audition in a word, the characteristics of the person who receives it are completely different depending on whether it is a model, a voice actor, or an actor. Auditions can be improved by taking some measures, but in the end, it is common for the office to accept the personnel they want. It also means that they are the people who match the color of the office, and the people you want will change depending on the time.

In auditions, you often hear that you have found a special skill (ability) and a personality that is unique to that person and passed the audition. And no matter how much you want people who match the color of your office, whether you’re a model, a voice actor, an actor, or an actress, not all of them pass the same type of person. This seems to be especially true for large agencies with hundreds of talents and artists.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
There are not many people who want to be a singer and have seen people who say, “Oh, this person is definitely good at singing, but this singing style and voice are similar to XX.” Is not it? Or someone who says, “Oh, there are people everywhere who sing this kind of thing.” I know I want to be the singer I admire, but it can be difficult to pass the audition while impersonating.

There is no doubt that those who have special skills and experience that other people do not have will be advantageous in passing the audition in the sense that they can differentiate themselves from their rivals. However, the minimum requirement is to be a more fundamental part, that is, “a person who is not embarrassed even if the office side sends it out to the world”. As I will explain later, in simple terms, those who are rude and rude to the other person in terms of personality will never pass.

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About the characteristics of people who audition
Person who receives the audition Features Face
Regarding the characteristics of the people who audition, the answer is, as I explained earlier, “human resources that the office wants.” If you say this, the meaning of this article will be completely lost because the story will end, but it is literally the “judgment” who is actually judging the participants of the audition, and where depending on the office It’s completely different whether you’re focusing on it.

If you compare it to a large-scale public audition, there may be many people who have the experience of saying, “What !? Isn’t the semi-grand prix person obviously cooler than the grand prix person?” ?? However, the Grand Prix winner may have been the person the office wanted at that time, or it may have something that made us feel the future.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
In this way, the human resources required by the office differ from time to time, so it can be said that the characteristics of people who audition are generally different. There is no way to get an audition without fail, and if there is such a thing, anyone will pass and the office will get a flat tire. One of the words often used these days is “mass production type”, but neither the office side nor the viewer side wants mass production type.

By the way, I talked with Dara Dara that “the human resources required by the office will be accepted for the audition”, but since the content is too superficial, I would like to explain a little more concretely from here. The characteristics of people who audition are not only skills and experience, but anyone who understands what is natural as a person has a chance to audition. Let’s start with the first screening.

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What are the characteristics of those who pass the first screening?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
In the first audition screening, resumes and photos are subject to screening, but what kind of things are the recipients paying particular attention to? First of all, it is a profile picture, and if it is not a picture that catches the eyes of the judges, if you are not good at it, you can put it in a cardboard that fails without even reading the aspiration motive and self-promotion written in the resume. There is.

Next to the photo, the most important thing is the motivation and self-promotion written in the resume. Recently, the number of offices where you can apply online has increased, so you have less chance to write your resume by hand. That’s why it seems that some people still dare to apply only by handwriting, and they want to judge the cleanliness of the applicant’s characters. Then, I will explain the photos of the first screening and how to write the motivation and self-promotion.

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Profile photo to pass the first screening
Person who receives the audition Features Face
I think that I often prepare two photos of the bust-up and the whole body for the audition photo. In a bust-up photo, be sure to take a picture from the front from the tip of your head to your chest, and twist your body so that you do not make an angle. I also like the facial expressions and skin quality, so be sure to raise or separate your hair so that you can see your forehead, and shoot with a natural smile. You don’t have to worry about dentition and acne.

In the case of a full-body photo, be sure to take it from the front so that it fits in the frame from the tip of your head to the toes of your feet. There is no problem if the pose is just to cross the legs, but excessive poses will cause failure. Not only photo editing apps, but also photo booths are prohibited. If you are a woman, use no make-up or natural make-up. It is common sense to always wear clothes that show your body line.

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Motivation / self-promotion to pass the first screening
Person who receives the audition Features Face
If you prepare a photo that catches the eyes of the judges, the next thing you need is a desire motive and self-promotion that will appeal to the judges. The motivation for aspiring is to write why you applied for the office you want to belong to, but at the same time, while explaining the differences from other offices, let’s write concretely about the strengths after you belong. Not only longing for “because XX belongs”, but also check in advance what kind of human resources the office is looking for.

In self-promotion, do not write long sentences, but focus on one special skill and summarize it concretely and concisely. It will be easier for the judges to imagine what kind of achievements they have made in the past and what kind of situations they have been useful in, if you enter numbers. In addition, sentences that make you imagine the future, such as where you can make use of your special skills after belonging to the office, are also important self-promotion.

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What are the characteristics of those who pass the second screening?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
It’s still important, but the first screening is just a passing point for proceeding to the second screening. The actual audition starts from the second screening, and here the characteristics of those who pass the audition and those who do not are divided. In most cases, practical skills and interviews are conducted in the second screening, but from the judge’s point of view, the personality and atmosphere of the applicant are seen by actually meeting the applicant.

It doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad at the practical skill examination, but the enthusiasm and seriousness of each person is more important than that. Even if you’re good at acting and singing at that time, you have to see no growth after belonging. It doesn’t make sense. People who audition are people who can show off with their own originality even if they are not good at acting and singing, and they are useful as human resources who can greedily absorb various things.

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Those who audition will not be late
Person who receives the audition Features Face
As you can see from any site, one of the characteristics of people who audition is “people who are not late”. People who really have dreams and goals in the first place cannot be late unless there is a good reason. Being late is a matter of course because it is judged that the person lacks motivation, seriousness, and honesty.

In the entertainment industry, staff, photographers, and many other stakeholders come together on-site, and being late for just one person can bother dozens and hundreds of people. For example, just imagining that you were late for a live broadcast would freeze your spine, right? I think that it is often necessary to go to the designated audition venue for the second screening, but please arrive 30 minutes to 1 hour in advance with plenty of time.

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Those who pass the audition have a good impression other than the judges
Person who receives the audition Features Face
In every field, good stories come to those who have a good impression from people. One of the characteristics of the auditioners is their amiability, and we sincerely respond not only to the judges but also to the other staff at the venue. This may not be because they are flirting, but because they are aware that they are always seen.

You don’t have to be that nervous, but less

You should always think that you are being judged when you are at the audition venue. The chances of being seen by the people involved in cursing or rudeness are not zero, and it is possible that they will be rejected. I want to be a friendly person who wants to be involved with this person.

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Be aware that parents are also subject to examination if accompanied
Person who receives the audition Features Face
It is basic for minors, including babies, to audition with their parents, but in reality, it seems that there are many cases where parents are also subject to audition. It’s easy to think that only the person who auditions is seen, but if you look at the parents, what kind of life your child is now, how it will grow in the future, professional judges will have a certain future Can be expected.

As it is said that “children grow up looking at their parents’ backs”, how to treat their babies and children, and how to treat staff and related parties is like a mirror that reflects the future of the child. Although they have the characteristics of being an auditioner, there may be only a few cases where they were rejected due to the courtesy and manners of their parents. Be aware that your parents are also auditioning.

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The person who accepts can talk with Hakihaki and has a loud voice
Person who receives the audition Features Face
It’s different from being loud and screaming, but when you’re auditioning, talk loudly and confidently. Some people have a low voice due to tension or anxiety, but I’m nervous when there are at most a few judges and participants because I have to talk with more people at the debut and large public auditions. You will never be able to pass the exam.

People who speak loudly and openly have the impression that they are full of confidence. Those who have the power to convey to people are great weapons that can be used in any field such as voice actors, singers, models, actors, actresses, comedy, etc., and are taught as the foundation of the basics at training centers. Questions and answers are held at the interview, but when you are called or asked a question, make a loud voice so that the people around you will turn to you.

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Is your face or body shape related to auditioning?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
Many people care about their appearance such as face and body shape when applying for an audition, but their appearance is not necessarily related to passing the audition. To put it in more detail, for example, some people may have bad teeth alignment or acne, but they can be cured as much as you want after you belong to the office.

As expected, models are a profession that requires good looks, so looks and style have a lot to do with it, but actors, voice actors, singers, etc. have something to do other than appearance. The entertainment world is a world with many good-looking men and beautiful women, but on the contrary, there are many good-looking men and beautiful women who are not selling at all, so it is not always essential to make a debut or become a hot seller.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
Some offices place some emphasis on appearance, but many are looking for someone who is purely capable. When applying for an audition, you can check what kind of human resources the office you are applying for is looking for by looking at the official website. First of all, you don’t want to belong to the office as a handsome and beautiful woman, right?

It’s important to understand that there’s nothing wrong with a bad appearance, and auditions are more about the inside than the appearance. As I have always explained on this site, even if you have a good face and body shape, those who have personality problems do not need to ask questions and fail. Even if you look bad, there must be many other valuable appeal points that only you have.

【Related article】

⇒ What I want people who have failed to audition to know before they are shocked

One of the appeals is the large number of followers on SNS
Person who receives the audition Features Face
SNS such as “Twitter” and “Instagram” are famous in a typical place, but sometimes the number of followers of these SNS is also one of the big appeal points. After all, many people who already have a certain amount of fans have a certain amount of charisma, so there is a possibility that they may be able to demonstrate it in the entertainment world as well.

However, if you belong to an office, you will often be asked to delete your account. Because it becomes a product of the office because it belongs to it, if you have posted a post or a photo that distorts the image in the past, it will be a problem for the office side as well. Not only SNS but also the popular “Youtube” is a weapon for those who have many registrants, but depending on the policy of the office, it may be required to delete part or all.

【Related article】

⇒Introducing specific strategies and examples of special skills at auditions

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Those who audition are always energetic and positive
Person who receives the audition Features Face
One of the characteristics of people who audition is that they are energetic and positive in any situation. A cheerful and cheerful person gives positive energy to the people around him and is a very important weapon for working together. A cheerful person can be reflected in his voice and attitude, and can answer the judges’ questions in a hurry, so the impression is very good.

And energetic people often have a positive spirit at the same time, and they also appear in words and deeds. At the audition, I made a negative expression that made my impression worse, but what I was waiting for was a rejected character. The way you communicate to the other person is very important, and even if you don’t have the feats or hobbies that you can be proud of, you can make them think that it is a big feat depending on how you communicate.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
For example, what do the judges think when they hear the story, “I applied for 100 auditions so far, but all the results were disastrous …”? They will probably follow you on the spot, but they will give you a negative impression and will probably fail. Instead of bringing the negative results to the end, let us know what positive benefits you could get from the negative results.

So, if you tell me anyway, “I have fallen into auditions more than 100 times so far, but through those experiences I realized the importance of XX and XX, and thanks to that I was able to obtain a weapon called XX.” Let’s put it in another way. This gives the judges a good impression that they are always greedy, not only because of their motivation and enthusiasm, but also because of their experience of failure.

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Things you always want to have curiosity and aspirations
Person who receives the audition Features Face
People who are curious and aspiring are more likely to audition, and those who have dreams and goals are one of the elements that they always have. Curiosity means that you are interested in anything, but in the entertainment industry, it is a world where you are constantly creating a new self, so those who are interested in everything and are willing to learn will grow steadily. You can go.

Those who have the same aspirations will never be satisfied with the current situation and will always strive for Takami. If you belong to the office, you will have tough lessons, and when you are a newcomer, you cannot do all the work you want. Those who have both curiosity and aspirations have a strong mental power and a willingness to enjoy themselves in any adversity, which will be conveyed to the judges at the audition.

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⇒ Practice methods to improve acting skills and recommended training centers to approach professionals

How much effort did you make before you auditioned?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
There are roughly two types of auditions, one is an audition for belonging to an office, and the second is a project audition for getting a job after belonging to an office. I don’t know what type of audition you’re going to have, but you’ve been working harder than you’re auditioning, right? For example, if you’re aiming to be a singer, you go to karaoke three to four times a week, right?

If you don’t have the money to go, do you practice singing for 3 or 4 hours, such as going to the park? If you don’t have a park nearby, there is an environment where you can practice anywhere in your house or in your car. In other words, no matter what environment you are currently in, it is only a matter of the number of times and time that a hard worker who can always think about how to improve his skills and put it into practice can pass the audition. Probably.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
For example, even if you say “Aim to be a singer!” In a word, do you understand what it takes to become a singer? Can you write and compose songs, can you show your singing well, can you perform, can you read notes, etc.? People who just sing well are disliked all over the country. The only way to get out of it is to make every effort to acquire skills that they don’t have.

Only a few people can walk the Cinderella story of being able to pass an audition (or scout) and make their debut without any effort, which is more difficult than being struck by lightning or winning the first prize in the lottery. .. That’s all there is to it, but if you have the time to research the “characteristics of people who audition,” you should be looking for a practice that you can do right away to increase your pass rate.

【Related article】

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⇒ 10 recommended songs (masterpieces) for vocal practice and tips for improving singing ability

Are you prepared and challenged to accept any job?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
Are you prepared to accept any job you are given? In every industry, you can’t always do what you want, and sometimes you have to do something you don’t want. If you are a model, there are many people who are fashion models but do not like underwear, swimwear, gravure, etc., and if you are an actress, you do not like wet places.

You don’t have to accept anything, but even if the above-mentioned jobs that women are reluctant to do come in, those who always take on challenges will be more active after that. Those who have the spirit and strong determination to greedily challenge anything, rather than saying “Well then, should I take it off !?”, can come in with various jobs as human resources who are useful in any field.

As I have mentioned several times in another article, for example, Mugi Kadowaki, a popular actress belonging to Yumanite, showed her wet spot in her movie “Love’s Whirlpool” when she was 21 years old in 2014. .. There is an anecdote that Mugi Kadowaki became naked in front of the director while she received a bath towel in the appearance audition and many women jumped out of the venue crying because they could not stand the private question.

Attracted by her actress soul of her Mugi Kadowaki, her director passed her, but with this movie (not only), her acting ability and other things Is evaluated


It will be done, and the name will rise at once. By the way, I explained that you need to be prepared to accept anything, but there are times when you really don’t like it. In that case, it may be good to explain what kind of adverse effects will occur on your goals and paths in the future.

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Those who audition go to the training school

In auditions, if you are a model, you are a model, if you are a voice actor, you are a voice actor, and if you are an actor, you are an actor. This is because at the training center, professional instructors will give lessons to identify each person’s individuality and abilities and develop their strengths. It is the training center that brings out the strengths that I did not notice, including books and the Internet.

For example, the Theater Academy is famous as a training center where babies and seniors can enter. There are 10 school buildings nationwide from Hokkaido on the top to Kyushu on the bottom, and you can take high-level lessons in any field such as baby models, child actors, actors, actresses, voice actors, singers, models, comedy, etc. It is a very popular training center. The connection with the industry is also very strong, and some people will make their debut in a minimum of 3 months.

To be honest, it is difficult for amateurs to pass the audition of a major office, but those who graduated from the training school have taken specialized lessons, so it is a big self-promotion to the judges. You can to be. Even if there is an acting examination or a singing examination, I have a solid foundation and I am accustomed to standing in front of people, so I can show my abilities proudly. That means that it will be as close as possible to passing.

Just as Miyu Honda was transferred to Oscar Promotion, many people belong to major offices through the Theater Academy, which means that they can take lessons at the Theater Academy as much as they can belong to the major offices. There is. The following category pages provide articles that explain the Theater Academy in detail, so if you have any questions, please read them.

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⇒ Click here for the Theater Academy category page

Be careful not to get used to the audition
Person who receives the audition Features Face
So, this time, I introduced the characteristics of the people who audition, and whether the face and body shape are related to passing. I think that the characteristics of the recipients are already understood by those who read this article, but they are all ubiquitous and do not explain anything special. The only thing that people who audition for is that they usually make that much effort.

The human resources selected from the office are the human resources that the office wants at that time, and we have no choice but to keep trying to get closer to the human resources that the office wants. By the way, some of you may have a lot of experience in auditioning, but don’t get used to the strange direction. Since I understand to some extent what kind of venue and atmosphere the audition will be held, useless actions will increase.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
For example, it seems that there are surprisingly many people who talk wastefully in the waiting room before the audition begins. Some people talk as if they were very experienced people or seniors, but the more experience they have in auditioning, the more they lose, so I can’t boast of anything. The venue where you audition is a place where you want to feel the tension as if it were an audition place even in the bathroom.

And there are people who are confused about what to wear when going to the audition venue, but there is no problem if the clothes suit you. Forcibly, wear clothes that are easy to move and clean, rather than clothes with pictures or letters. It’s okay if you wear clothes that show your body line to your heart’s content. If you keep trying, the result will surely remain, so don’t give up and audition more and more ♪

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What are the characteristics of people who audition? Face and body shape are related to passing by nobu88888

What are the characteristics of people who audition? Face and body shape are related to passing


What are the characteristics of people who audition? Face and body shape are related to passing

Various auditions are held all over the country every year, but I think there are many people who just failed the results even though they applied for it. It depends on the person, such as those who have taken perfect measures for the audition, those who have taken appropriate measures, and those who applied for the audition with almost no measures. However, if the selection continues so far, the characteristics of the people who will be auditioned will be worrisome.

So this time, I would like to introduce the characteristics of the people who audition. Some people are worried or wondering if auditions are related to their appearance such as face and body shape, but are they really related? From parents who want to be a baby model to those who want to be a model, voice actor, singer, or actor, we hope you will find it useful.

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Click on your favorite table of contents ♪ [Hide]

1 Show your personality instead of doing the same thing as others
2 About the characteristics of people who audition
3 What are the characteristics of those who pass the first screening?
3.1 Profile photo to pass the first screening
3.2 Motivation / self-promotion to pass the first screening
4 What are the characteristics of those who pass the second screening?
4.1 Those who audition will not be late
4.2 People who pass the audition have a good impression other than the judges
4.3 Keep in mind that parents are also subject to examination if accompanied
4.4 Recipients can talk to Hakihaki and have a loud voice
5 Is the face and body shape related to the audition?
5.1 One of the appeals is the large number of followers on SNS
6 People who audition are always energetic and positive
6.1 What you always want to have curiosity and aspirations
7 How much effort did you make before you auditioned?
8 Are you prepared and challenged to accept any job?
9 Those who pass the audition go to the training school
10 Be careful not to get used to the audition
Show your personality instead of doing the same thing as others
Person who receives the audition Features Face
Even if you say an audition in a word, the characteristics of the person who receives it are completely different depending on whether it is a model, a voice actor, or an actor. Auditions can be improved by taking some measures, but in the end, it is common for the office to accept the personnel they want. It also means that they are the people who match the color of the office, and the people you want will change depending on the time.

In auditions, you often hear that you have found a special skill (ability) and a personality that is unique to that person and passed the audition. And no matter how much you want people who match the color of your office, whether you’re a model, a voice actor, an actor, or an actress, not all of them pass the same type of person. This seems to be especially true for large agencies with hundreds of talents and artists.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
There are not many people who want to be a singer and have seen people who say, “Oh, this person is definitely good at singing, but this singing style and voice are similar to XX.” Is not it? Or someone who says, “Oh, there are people everywhere who sing this kind of thing.” I know I want to be the singer I admire, but it can be difficult to pass the audition while impersonating.

There is no doubt that those who have special skills and experience that other people do not have will be advantageous in passing the audition in the sense that they can differentiate themselves from their rivals. However, the minimum requirement is to be a more fundamental part, that is, “a person who is not embarrassed even if the office side sends it out to the world”. As I will explain later, in simple terms, those who are rude and rude to the other person in terms of personality will never pass.

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About the characteristics of people who audition
Person who receives the audition Features Face
Regarding the characteristics of the people who audition, the answer is, as I explained earlier, “human resources that the office wants.” If you say this, the meaning of this article will be completely lost because the story will end, but it is literally the “judgment” who is actually judging the participants of the audition, and where depending on the office It’s completely different whether you’re focusing on it.

If you compare it to a large-scale public audition, there may be many people who have the experience of saying, “What !? Isn’t the semi-grand prix person obviously cooler than the grand prix person?” ?? However, the Grand Prix winner may have been the person the office wanted at that time, or it may have something that made us feel the future.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
In this way, the human resources required by the office differ from time to time, so it can be said that the characteristics of people who audition are generally different. There is no way to get an audition without fail, and if there is such a thing, anyone will pass and the office will get a flat tire. One of the words often used these days is “mass production type”, but neither the office side nor the viewer side wants mass production type.

By the way, I talked with Dara Dara that “the human resources required by the office will be accepted for the audition”, but since the content is too superficial, I would like to explain a little more concretely from here. The characteristics of people who audition are not only skills and experience, but anyone who understands what is natural as a person has a chance to audition. Let’s start with the first screening.

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What are the characteristics of those who pass the first screening?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
In the first audition screening, resumes and photos are subject to screening, but what kind of things are the recipients paying particular attention to? First of all, it is a profile picture, and if it is not a picture that catches the eyes of the judges, if you are not good at it, you can put it in a cardboard that fails without even reading the aspiration motive and self-promotion written in the resume. There is.

Next to the photo, the most important thing is the motivation and self-promotion written in the resume. Recently, the number of offices where you can apply online has increased, so you have less chance to write your resume by hand. That’s why it seems that some people still dare to apply only by handwriting, and they want to judge the cleanliness of the applicant’s characters. Then, I will explain the photos of the first screening and how to write the motivation and self-promotion.

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Profile photo to pass the first screening
Person who receives the audition Features Face
I think that I often prepare two photos of the bust-up and the whole body for the audition photo. In a bust-up photo, be sure to take a picture from the front from the tip of your head to your chest, and twist your body so that you do not make an angle. I also like the facial expressions and skin quality, so be sure to raise or separate your hair so that you can see your forehead, and shoot with a natural smile. You don’t have to worry about dentition and acne.

In the case of a full-body photo, be sure to take it from the front so that it fits in the frame from the tip of your head to the toes of your feet. There is no problem if the pose is just to cross the legs, but excessive poses will cause failure. Not only photo editing apps, but also photo booths are prohibited. If you are a woman, use no make-up or natural make-up. It is common sense to always wear clothes that show your body line.

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Motivation / self-promotion to pass the first screening
Person who receives the audition Features Face
If you prepare a photo that catches the eyes of the judges, the next thing you need is a desire motive and self-promotion that will appeal to the judges. The motivation for aspiring is to write why you applied for the office you want to belong to, but at the same time, while explaining the differences from other offices, let’s write concretely about the strengths after you belong. Not only longing for “because XX belongs”, but also check in advance what kind of human resources the office is looking for.

In self-promotion, do not write long sentences, but focus on one special skill and summarize it concretely and concisely. It will be easier for the judges to imagine what kind of achievements they have made in the past and what kind of situations they have been useful in, if you enter numbers. In addition, sentences that make you imagine the future, such as where you can make use of your special skills after belonging to the office, are also important self-promotion.

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What are the characteristics of those who pass the second screening?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
It’s still important, but the first screening is just a passing point for proceeding to the second screening. The actual audition starts from the second screening, and here the characteristics of those who pass the audition and those who do not are divided. In most cases, practical skills and interviews are conducted in the second screening, but from the judge’s point of view, the personality and atmosphere of the applicant are seen by actually meeting the applicant.

It doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad at the practical skill examination, but the enthusiasm and seriousness of each person is more important than that. Even if you’re good at acting and singing at that time, you have to see no growth after belonging. It doesn’t make sense. People who audition are people who can show off with their own originality even if they are not good at acting and singing, and they are useful as human resources who can greedily absorb various things.

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⇒Introducing clothes that you like in audition interviews and 4 points to note

Those who audition will not be late
Person who receives the audition Features Face
As you can see from any site, one of the characteristics of people who audition is “people who are not late”. People who really have dreams and goals in the first place cannot be late unless there is a good reason. Being late is a matter of course because it is judged that the person lacks motivation, seriousness, and honesty.

In the entertainment industry, staff, photographers, and many other stakeholders come together on-site, and being late for just one person can bother dozens and hundreds of people. For example, just imagining that you were late for a live broadcast would freeze your spine, right? I think that it is often necessary to go to the designated audition venue for the second screening, but please arrive 30 minutes to 1 hour in advance with plenty of time.

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Those who pass the audition have a good impression other than the judges
Person who receives the audition Features Face
In every field, good stories come to those who have a good impression from people. One of the characteristics of the auditioners is their amiability, and we sincerely respond not only to the judges but also to the other staff at the venue. This may not be because they are flirting, but because they are aware that they are always seen.

You don’t have to be that nervous, but less

You should always think that you are being judged when you are at the audition venue. The chances of being seen by the people involved in cursing or rudeness are not zero, and it is possible that they will be rejected. I want to be a friendly person who wants to be involved with this person.

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Be aware that parents are also subject to examination if accompanied
Person who receives the audition Features Face
It is basic for minors, including babies, to audition with their parents, but in reality, it seems that there are many cases where parents are also subject to audition. It’s easy to think that only the person who auditions is seen, but if you look at the parents, what kind of life your child is now, how it will grow in the future, professional judges will have a certain future Can be expected.

As it is said that “children grow up looking at their parents’ backs”, how to treat their babies and children, and how to treat staff and related parties is like a mirror that reflects the future of the child. Although they have the characteristics of being an auditioner, there may be only a few cases where they were rejected due to the courtesy and manners of their parents. Be aware that your parents are also auditioning.

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The person who accepts can talk with Hakihaki and has a loud voice
Person who receives the audition Features Face
It’s different from being loud and screaming, but when you’re auditioning, talk loudly and confidently. Some people have a low voice due to tension or anxiety, but I’m nervous when there are at most a few judges and participants because I have to talk with more people at the debut and large public auditions. You will never be able to pass the exam.

People who speak loudly and openly have the impression that they are full of confidence. Those who have the power to convey to people are great weapons that can be used in any field such as voice actors, singers, models, actors, actresses, comedy, etc., and are taught as the foundation of the basics at training centers. Questions and answers are held at the interview, but when you are called or asked a question, make a loud voice so that the people around you will turn to you.

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Is your face or body shape related to auditioning?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
Many people care about their appearance such as face and body shape when applying for an audition, but their appearance is not necessarily related to passing the audition. To put it in more detail, for example, some people may have bad teeth alignment or acne, but they can be cured as much as you want after you belong to the office.

As expected, models are a profession that requires good looks, so looks and style have a lot to do with it, but actors, voice actors, singers, etc. have something to do other than appearance. The entertainment world is a world with many good-looking men and beautiful women, but on the contrary, there are many good-looking men and beautiful women who are not selling at all, so it is not always essential to make a debut or become a hot seller.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
Some offices place some emphasis on appearance, but many are looking for someone who is purely capable. When applying for an audition, you can check what kind of human resources the office you are applying for is looking for by looking at the official website. First of all, you don’t want to belong to the office as a handsome and beautiful woman, right?

It’s important to understand that there’s nothing wrong with a bad appearance, and auditions are more about the inside than the appearance. As I have always explained on this site, even if you have a good face and body shape, those who have personality problems do not need to ask questions and fail. Even if you look bad, there must be many other valuable appeal points that only you have.

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⇒ What I want people who have failed to audition to know before they are shocked

One of the appeals is the large number of followers on SNS
Person who receives the audition Features Face
SNS such as “Twitter” and “Instagram” are famous in a typical place, but sometimes the number of followers of these SNS is also one of the big appeal points. After all, many people who already have a certain amount of fans have a certain amount of charisma, so there is a possibility that they may be able to demonstrate it in the entertainment world as well.

However, if you belong to an office, you will often be asked to delete your account. Because it becomes a product of the office because it belongs to it, if you have posted a post or a photo that distorts the image in the past, it will be a problem for the office side as well. Not only SNS but also the popular “Youtube” is a weapon for those who have many registrants, but depending on the policy of the office, it may be required to delete part or all.

【Related article】

⇒Introducing specific strategies and examples of special skills at auditions

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Those who audition are always energetic and positive
Person who receives the audition Features Face
One of the characteristics of people who audition is that they are energetic and positive in any situation. A cheerful and cheerful person gives positive energy to the people around him and is a very important weapon for working together. A cheerful person can be reflected in his voice and attitude, and can answer the judges’ questions in a hurry, so the impression is very good.

And energetic people often have a positive spirit at the same time, and they also appear in words and deeds. At the audition, I made a negative expression that made my impression worse, but what I was waiting for was a rejected character. The way you communicate to the other person is very important, and even if you don’t have the feats or hobbies that you can be proud of, you can make them think that it is a big feat depending on how you communicate.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
For example, what do the judges think when they hear the story, “I applied for 100 auditions so far, but all the results were disastrous …”? They will probably follow you on the spot, but they will give you a negative impression and will probably fail. Instead of bringing the negative results to the end, let us know what positive benefits you could get from the negative results.

So, if you tell me anyway, “I have fallen into auditions more than 100 times so far, but through those experiences I realized the importance of XX and XX, and thanks to that I was able to obtain a weapon called XX.” Let’s put it in another way. This gives the judges a good impression that they are always greedy, not only because of their motivation and enthusiasm, but also because of their experience of failure.

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Things you always want to have curiosity and aspirations
Person who receives the audition Features Face
People who are curious and aspiring are more likely to audition, and those who have dreams and goals are one of the elements that they always have. Curiosity means that you are interested in anything, but in the entertainment industry, it is a world where you are constantly creating a new self, so those who are interested in everything and are willing to learn will grow steadily. You can go.

Those who have the same aspirations will never be satisfied with the current situation and will always strive for Takami. If you belong to the office, you will have tough lessons, and when you are a newcomer, you cannot do all the work you want. Those who have both curiosity and aspirations have a strong mental power and a willingness to enjoy themselves in any adversity, which will be conveyed to the judges at the audition.

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How much effort did you make before you auditioned?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
There are roughly two types of auditions, one is an audition for belonging to an office, and the second is a project audition for getting a job after belonging to an office. I don’t know what type of audition you’re going to have, but you’ve been working harder than you’re auditioning, right? For example, if you’re aiming to be a singer, you go to karaoke three to four times a week, right?

If you don’t have the money to go, do you practice singing for 3 or 4 hours, such as going to the park? If you don’t have a park nearby, there is an environment where you can practice anywhere in your house or in your car. In other words, no matter what environment you are currently in, it is only a matter of the number of times and time that a hard worker who can always think about how to improve his skills and put it into practice can pass the audition. Probably.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
For example, even if you say “Aim to be a singer!” In a word, do you understand what it takes to become a singer? Can you write and compose songs, can you show your singing well, can you perform, can you read notes, etc.? People who just sing well are disliked all over the country. The only way to get out of it is to make every effort to acquire skills that they don’t have.

Only a few people can walk the Cinderella story of being able to pass an audition (or scout) and make their debut without any effort, which is more difficult than being struck by lightning or winning the first prize in the lottery. .. That’s all there is to it, but if you have the time to research the “characteristics of people who audition,” you should be looking for a practice that you can do right away to increase your pass rate.

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Are you prepared and challenged to accept any job?
Person who receives the audition Features Face
Are you prepared to accept any job you are given? In every industry, you can’t always do what you want, and sometimes you have to do something you don’t want. If you are a model, there are many people who are fashion models but do not like underwear, swimwear, gravure, etc., and if you are an actress, you do not like wet places.

You don’t have to accept anything, but even if the above-mentioned jobs that women are reluctant to do come in, those who always take on challenges will be more active after that. Those who have the spirit and strong determination to greedily challenge anything, rather than saying “Well then, should I take it off !?”, can come in with various jobs as human resources who are useful in any field.

As I have mentioned several times in another article, for example, Mugi Kadowaki, a popular actress belonging to Yumanite, showed her wet spot in her movie “Love’s Whirlpool” when she was 21 years old in 2014. .. There is an anecdote that Mugi Kadowaki became naked in front of the director while she received a bath towel in the appearance audition and many women jumped out of the venue crying because they could not stand the private question.

Attracted by her actress soul of her Mugi Kadowaki, her director passed her, but with this movie (not only), her acting ability and other things Is evaluated

It will be done, and the name will rise at once. By the way, I explained that you need to be prepared to accept anything, but there are times when you really don’t like it. In that case, it may be good to explain what kind of adverse effects will occur on your goals and paths in the future.

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⇒Let’s make your wish come true without the 6 magics that will be accepted in the audition!

Those who audition go to the training school

In auditions, if you are a model, you are a model, if you are a voice actor, you are a voice actor, and if you are an actor, you are an actor. This is because at the training center, professional instructors will give lessons to identify each person’s individuality and abilities and develop their strengths. It is the training center that brings out the strengths that I did not notice, including books and the Internet.

For example, the Theater Academy is famous as a training center where babies and seniors can enter. There are 10 school buildings nationwide from Hokkaido on the top to Kyushu on the bottom, and you can take high-level lessons in any field such as baby models, child actors, actors, actresses, voice actors, singers, models, comedy, etc. It is a very popular training center. The connection with the industry is also very strong, and some people will make their debut in a minimum of 3 months.

To be honest, it is difficult for amateurs to pass the audition of a major office, but those who graduated from the training school have taken specialized lessons, so it is a big self-promotion to the judges. You can to be. Even if there is an acting examination or a singing examination, I have a solid foundation and I am accustomed to standing in front of people, so I can show my abilities proudly. That means that it will be as close as possible to passing.

Just as Miyu Honda was transferred to Oscar Promotion, many people belong to major offices through the Theater Academy, which means that they can take lessons at the Theater Academy as much as they can belong to the major offices. There is. The following category pages provide articles that explain the Theater Academy in detail, so if you have any questions, please read them.

[Related categories]

⇒ Click here for the Theater Academy category page

Be careful not to get used to the audition
Person who receives the audition Features Face
So, this time, I introduced the characteristics of the people who audition, and whether the face and body shape are related to passing. I think that the characteristics of the recipients are already understood by those who read this article, but they are all ubiquitous and do not explain anything special. The only thing that people who audition for is that they usually make that much effort.

The human resources selected from the office are the human resources that the office wants at that time, and we have no choice but to keep trying to get closer to the human resources that the office wants. By the way, some of you may have a lot of experience in auditioning, but don’t get used to the strange direction. Since I understand to some extent what kind of venue and atmosphere the audition will be held, useless actions will increase.

Person who receives the audition Features Face
For example, it seems that there are surprisingly many people who talk wastefully in the waiting room before the audition begins. Some people talk as if they were very experienced people or seniors, but the more experience they have in auditioning, the more they lose, so I can’t boast of anything. The venue where you audition is a place where you want to feel the tension as if it were an audition place even in the bathroom.

And there are people who are confused about what to wear when going to the audition venue, but there is no problem if the clothes suit you. Forcibly, wear clothes that are easy to move and clean, rather than clothes with pictures or letters. It’s okay if you wear clothes that show your body line to your heart’s content. If you keep trying, the result will surely remain, so don’t give up and audition more and more ♪

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How to become an actor? Face and age are absolute conditions for selling in the entertainment world by nobu88888

How to become an actor? Face and age are absolute conditions for selling in the entertainment world

How to become an actor? Face and age are absolute conditions for selling in the entertainment world

When you watch a drama or movie, attractive actors perform attractively and attract viewers. When I went to see the stage (musical), I gave the audience something that left a lasting impression on me, including impression and courage. There are various reasons why actors can be given the most difficult “natural” to such customers, including the efforts that the actors have continued so far, and looking at them, “I am also an absolute actor. Some people may have thought, “It will be!”

However, although it is good to vaguely decide to become an actor, many people do not know how to become an actor. So, this time, I would like to introduce the theme such as where to start to become an actor and whether it is important to be scouted to become an actor. Some people are worried about their face and age, but is it related to their face and age in order to sell?

【latest article】

⇒ Questions asked during audition interviews are not scary if you know 7 points

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1 Ask your heart if you really want to be an actor
2 Each person has an entrance to becoming an actor
3 What is the required ability to become an actor?
4 Is the face an absolute requirement to become an actor (sell)?
4.1 Are dentition and acne related to passing an audition?
5 Is age related to becoming an actor?
5.1 Is it late for junior high school and high school students to become an actor?
5.2 Is it too late to become an actor in your twenties (including college students)?
5.3 Is it really difficult for people in their 30s and 40s to become an actor?
6 Don’t expect any scouts to be an actor
7 Be aware of the meaning and importance of attending a training school
7.1 Recommended training center for those who want to become an actor
7.2 The good place training center (entertainment agency) is the Theater Academy
8 General audition flow
8.1 What you should pay particular attention to in order to pass the first screening
8.2 Things to be aware of in order to pass the second screening
9 If you want to be an actor, show it by action, not by mouth or the opinion of a third party
Ask your heart if you really want to be an actor
To become an actor, face age
Anyone can do it just by thinking “I want to be an actor!”, But you may want to think again if the profession of an actor is really what you want to do. I’m sorry for the sudden negative story, but I have to understand that the profession of “actor” is much more difficult than I think. And most people will say, “I know that!”

Then, on the contrary, if you understand such a thing, why do you want to be an actor? Did you come to read this article titled “?” Of course, I wrote this article with the hope that it would be a little reference or hint, so I am very grateful for coming to read it, but you said, “If you’re an actor, Do you have a sweet idea that you may get a way to become?

To become an actor, face age
Some people may simply read it with interest, but if you are serious about becoming an actor, rely on information gathering in a world where you do not know if it is a lie or true that it is written like a net. Rather, you may have already applied for an audition, purchased a reference book at a bookstore, and practiced, or you may have taken some action. Opinions and information tend to be inconsistent depending on the location on the Internet.

Of course, I don’t think that the articles published on this site will be 100% useful information for you every time, and there may be some places that explain incorrect information. What I want to say is that it may be difficult to survive in the harsh world of actors if you have half-hearted feelings that change depending on the opinions of third parties on the net or anonymously.

Each person has an entrance to becoming an actor
To become an actor, face age
By the way, the sermon (?) So far, and although it is generally called an “actor”, its types can be roughly divided into two types. Is it a movie actor (TV actor) who appears in a drama or movie, or is it a stage actor (musical actor) who appears on the stage (musical)? Depending on the person, it depends on whether you are aiming for one or the other, or if you want to be a multi-actor who can do either, but it is better to focus on one first.

There are several ways to become an actor, but the ultimate goal is to belong to a well-known theater company or entertainment agency. For that purpose, there is a method of going to a training school to gain ability and experience, and a method of auditioning and passing. At first glance, auditioning seems like a shortcut, and if you pass it, you can become an actor from that moment.

To become an actor, face age
However, the world is not so convenient for me, and it takes a certain amount of ability and experience to audition for a famous theater company or entertainment agency. It is one of the effective means to go to a training school to acquire it. As I will explain later, attending a training school not only gives you the ability and experience, but also helps you to improve the “most important part” to survive in the entertainment world.

Among those who are active as actors, for example, those who are transformed from models and idols, those who are transformed from singers / voice actors, those who are active as actors while doing their main business, etc. There are many. The most spectacular of these is “scouted,” but it seems that many people are misunderstood by this. … And there are multiple entrances to becoming an actor like this.

[Related categories]

⇒ Click here for scout-related information at each entertainment agency

What is the required ability to become an actor?
To become an actor, face age
The abilities required to become an actor are infinite, and the abilities that each person has are different, and it may be summarized as so-called “individuality.” In order to become an actor, you need to have practical skills such as acting ability, singing ability, and dancing ability, but do you have the “expressive power” to attract people? And do you have the ability to objectively look at yourself in order to acquire that expressiveness?

Whether you have the challenge and enthusiasm to acquire abilities before that, or the aspirations and curiosity to continue your efforts, what should you do to keep your mind and body motivated? Do you understand? In the first place, do you have the “activity” to take the first step in everything, and the will and attitude to stick to whatever you say? You must not lack even one of these.

To become an actor, face age
In any profession, everyone tends to focus on acquiring immediate abilities such as practical skills at first, but as they step into the industry, what is the fundamentally important part? You should understand. This is a particularly necessary part of the entertainment industry, and that is what makes it “human power.” If you explain this too, there is no end to it, but if you are attracted, chances will come.

It has a deeper meaning, but the simple answer is that “people with humanity problems” who are not polite or well-mannered are not needed, no matter how practical they are. .. Ultimately, the company or office will decide whether to give you a job, so understand not only your ability but also the importance of cooperation (teamwork) with others. Of course, if the demand from viewers and customers disappears, it’s almost like dying as an actor.

Is a face an absolute requirement to become an actor (sell)?
To become an actor, face age
Of course, the face (looks) is important in the profession of an actor, and there is no doubt that it is one of the necessary elements for the atmosphere of the role. If you hear that and think, “Isn’t it good if you’re not a good-looking guy or a beautiful woman …” with just a prejudice, you should change your mind right now. This is because it doesn’t matter if you’re a good-looking guy, a beautiful woman, or a ugly actor in the actor business.

As expected, a profession that uses appearance as a weapon, such as a model, requires a certain face and body shape, but to be honest, do you think that there are many good-looking men or beautiful women with only hairstyles and clothes? ?? I’m not saying it in a negative way, but unlike in the past, I’m getting more and more new hairstyles, clothes, and makeup, so there are many ways to make myself look cooler (cute). ..

To become an actor, face age
However, it can be considered that there is a material … Returning to the story, appearance is not so important in terms of whether actors can impress or fascinate people. Some actors have a good impression or are fascinated by acting even though they don’t look particularly good, right? That’s one of the reasons because I usually know the human charm of the actor.

Don’t you feel like cheering for someone who says, “This person … looks and acts well, but he’s staying high …”? On the other hand, if you say, “This person … I have that much face, but I like his personality and he has some acting ability!”, Even if he doesn’t want to support him, he can watch it on TV. If you are appearing, you will just see it. The appearance is still one of the weapons, but after all it is just a decoration.

Are dentition and acne related to passing an audition?
To become an actor, face age
Many people have the idea that “entertainer world = appearance”, but there are also people who are worried that if they have dentition or acne, they will not pass the audition. On this site, I always explain that “it doesn’t matter because it can be cured after belonging”, but like the face case I explained earlier, this depends on the policy of the office, so I can not say anything.

You will suddenly turn your palm over from the face matter earlier, but there are certainly entertainment agencies that are rumored to emphasize appearance, so it is better to actually audition and pass it. I can only say that. The only thing I can say is that you should audition first before deciding whether your appearance is objectively good or bad. It’s up to the office, not you, to decide if you need or don’t need it.

Is age related to becoming an actor?
To become an actor, face age
Although I have put up with it and devoted myself to my work and school, there are many people who have decided that their dreams and goals will never go out and that they will continue to be actors. However, to be honest, I have anxiety in my head that “I’m a good age … I wonder if it’s too late to become an actor from this year …”. But you don’t have to worry, the actor has no age or best-by date.

Everyone has a chance to be an actor at any age, but realistically, it would be difficult to belong to a major theater company or entertainment agency. Depending on your age, you may not even be able to apply for an audition if you are older than you are eligible, as the age limit is listed in the auditions recruited by the office. However, if it is a training school and entertainment agency, there is no problem with application qualifications.

To become an actor, face age
It goes without saying that people in their 20s and 30s, such as babies and children, who have attended training schools since childhood are more advantageous in order to become actors, including their age potential. I have no teeth at all. No matter how senior you are in your life, a baby who has taken lessons for a year or two in the industry

And children will be seniors. However, there is no point in thinking about handicaps due to such age.

Speaking of beauty, I would like to say that it is okay if you do not give up on your own dream (becoming an actor), but if you are in your 20s or 30s or older, you should be able to think calmly. .. It’s true that life is only once, but if you are in employment, do you really want to quit the job and take on the challenge? Even if you can’t perform in the leading role, you can go to the training center while working. If you have a strong will, it can’t be helped …

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⇒ How to become an entertainer? Easy-to-understand explanations of questions such as age and scouts

Is it late for junior high school and high school students to become an actor?
To become an actor, face age
There is no problem for junior high school students and high school students as the age to aspire to be an actor, but high school students may want to be a little impatient. However, many theater companies and entertainment agencies are eligible to apply until they are at least 20 to 25 years old. There is no problem in applying for an audition, but it is still an age at which an “effective detour” of going to a training school and gaining abilities and experience before taking on the challenge is also valid.

It also means that you have a chance to belong to a major theater company or entertainment agency, so instead of jumping to the audition at hand, you should not be impatient and learn from the basics first. Since you are a minor, it may be the most difficult to get the consent of your parents, but if you do, let me know that your parents are also being judged at the audition.

Is it too late to become an actor in your twenties (including college students)?

From those who are currently attending college to those in their twenties who are employed, you may be wondering if it is difficult for you to become an actor in earnest in terms of age, right? The answer is, “Isn’t the difficulty level significantly different between 20 and 25 years old even in the same 20s?” However, not only those who made their debut as an actor in their 20s, but also those who made their debut as an actor, so it may not be too late.

Although he was a scout, actor Osamu Mukai also made his debut as an actor when he was about 24 years old in 2006. He was working as a bartender at the time and had not taken lessons as a special actor before. As for Mitsu Dan, who is active as an actress, she made a drama / movie appearance when she was about 32 years old in 2012 after passing an audition for a certain game when she was 28 years old in 2009.

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Is it really difficult for people in their 30s and 40s to become an actor?
To become an actor, face age
Some people in their 30s and 40s think that the path of an actor is already tough, but some actors can only be played by young people, while others can only be expressed by seniors. Speaking of beauty, age doesn’t matter if you like acting, and as I explained earlier, actors don’t have a best-by date. However, it is difficult to belong to a major theater company or entertainment agency.

There are many training centers that seniors of all ages can attend, and among them, if it is a powerful entertainment agency, there is a chance to appear in historical dramas and criminal dramas and movies. I’m sure there are people who apply for auditions with the feeling that “I don’t think anyone else is so old …”, but surprisingly, there are many people in their 30s and 40s, and some of them. Are in their 50s and 60s.

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Don’t expect any scouts to be an actor
To become an actor, face age
If you already understand it, there is no problem, but many people think that it is best to be scouted to become an actor. Some of them hang out in the city to be scouted, or wait at a rumored spot when they are called out … Honestly, it’s painful to see. It’s not a scout, but at the time of such a waiting attitude, it is already one or two steps behind the surroundings.

Some people mistakenly think that “Scout = debut in the entertainment world”, but now most entertainment agencies no longer have such an equation. Speaking of scouts, it may sound good, but in the first place, scouting on the street is illegal even at an entertainment agency, so it is often just a voice call. Therefore, be very careful of those who are persistently scouting.

To become an actor, face age
If you are a scout from a real entertainment agency, you will only be given a business card and will only be told “Please contact me if you are interested”. The meaning of the word is “Why don’t you audition for our office?”, And just because you were scouted does not mean that you have decided to belong to or debut in the entertainment agency. At best, they are exempt from the first screening, and the reality is that most of them are interviewed and rejected.

There are some entertainment agencies that “scout = debut”, but such places rarely call out in the city, and they are deciding who to scout by searching for materials based on local magazines and word of mouth. There are many. Those who think “Scout = Status” are out of the question in the first place, and anyone who has a slightly good face and body shape will call out. Make an effort to become an actor before you expect a scout.

[Related categories]

⇒ Click here for scout-related information at each entertainment agency

Be aware of the meaning and importance of attending a training school
To become an actor, face age
If you want to be an actor, you definitely want to have the option of going to a training school. I often see people on the internet saying, “A training center costs a lot of money, so it’s better to have a free place!”, But the merit of giving a free lesson or a job to an unfamiliar amateur like you is office work. I would like to ask you where it is for the place and the training school. Don’t fall in love with yourself.

If you have time to think about such things, I think it would be more positive to investigate the meaning and benefits of going to a training school. By the way, of course you can learn the abilities required for an actor by going to a training school, but as I explained at the beginning, improving the abilities in terms of practical skills is not everything. And honestly, it is wise not to go to a training center that only develops abilities.

To become an actor, face age
In a really good training center, we often focus on developing and improving human power, as well as abundant lessons and a well-equipped environment that meet the needs of all fields. In other words, human power becomes an important foundation part for non-actors, and it is the strongest weapon that can be applied to anything. For example, even if you take lessons as one, you can concentrate, motivate, and listen to what the instructor says.

Sometimes I acquire the ability to express my own opinions, and it is often said that “I (my child) who was shy (negative) became sociable (positive)”. Those who have faithfully learned the basics of such basics will grow faster, and even if full-scale practical lessons begin after that, they will absorb more quickly than others. People with high pride and squeaky complains are slow growing and want to blame people and training centers for the cause.

Recommended training center for those who want to be an actor

It’s most efficient to be in that environment to be an actor, but there are so many different training centers out there, and the benefits you get from each location are a little different. There are only a limited number of training centers that can accommodate a wide range of people from 0 to seniors, but training centers such as the theater company Himawari and the theater company Tohai, whose first priority is to develop human power in order to aim to belong to a theater company or entertainment agency. (Entertainment agency) is recommended.

However, there are few school buildings in the theater company Tohai compared to others, and there are many in the Kanto area, so some people find it difficult to attend. On the other hand, Himawari Theater Group has various classes, such as voice actor classes, musical classes, and theater classes for seniors. There are more than 20 school buildings nationwide, so you can go there relatively from anywhere, but the bottleneck is that the cost is a little high.

[Related categories]

⇒ Click here for the category page of the theater company Tohai

⇒ Click here for the category page of Himawari Theater Group

The good point training center (entertainment agency) is the Theater Academy

Of course, both the theater company Tohai and the theater company Himawari have perfect lessons and equipment environment to become a professional actor. And if you look for other than the above two training centers, you will find excellent training centers, but the most recommended training center (entertainment agency) is Theater Academy. Not only from 0 years old, but also those over 40 years old have abundant lessons according to age, so even beginners (inexperienced) will not have any problem.

From 0 years old to junior high school students will belong to “Theatrical Company Cosmos”, and when they graduate from junior high school students, they will be automatically transferred to the Theater Academy. The Theater Academy is more focused as a training center than an entertainment agency, so it is often misunderstood by those who have the image of “entertainment agency = anything is free”, but to enter Of course, it costs money.

In addition to the lessons required for actors, there are lessons that meet various needs such as voice actors, singers, models, dancers, comedy, musicals, and you can choose your favorite lesson. I will. I have a strong image of producing many baby models and child actors, but it seems that some people are surprised that many of them belong to not only junior high school students and high school students, but also university students to seniors.

It is already famous that it has a strong connection with the entertainment world, so there are many opportunities to work, and some people make their debut in the shortest three months after joining the company. Above all, the Theater Academy lessons are also valid for belonging to a major entertainment agency, such as Miyu Honda and Yurina Yasui for Oscar Promotion, and Yuika Motokariya who was also transferred to Stardust Promotion. Depending on the person, you can seize as many opportunities as you like.

[Related categories]

⇒ Click here for the Theater Academy category page

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General audition flow
To become an actor, face age
What they have in common, both to enter a training school and to belong to an entertainment agency, is to audition. I think some people want to know what kind of things will be done in such an audition, so I would like to briefly introduce it. First of all, in order to apply for the audition, there are methods such as magazines, online application from the official website, printing the application form and mailing it.

Nothing difficult is done in the audition, for example, in the second screening, you often show off your practical skills, but it doesn’t matter if you are good or bad. Even if you are not good at it, you can pass it if you can expect growth and future potential, and if you are good at it, you may be selected as a scholarship student. By the way, major theater companies and entertainment agencies have a low pass rate, but on the other hand, training centers are basically easy to pass.

【Related article】

⇒ What is the audition content of the actress? Learn the tips and knowledge to accept

What you should pay particular attention to in order to pass the first screening
To become an actor, face age
In the first screening, resumes (application forms) and photos are often reviewed. Prepare two photos, full body and bust-up, both of which are “always taken from the front”, and photo booths and processing apps are prohibited. Choose clothes that show your body line, and any color that suits you. The shooting location or background should be one color as much as possible (even at home)

Let’s make it close to). You can use the park or the sky as the background.

In your resume, focus on your motivation and self-promotion, but try to keep both in a concise manner rather than a lengthy sentence. In self-promotion, I will narrow down the feats that appeal to me to one, write down how I decided to learn that feat, what kind of achievements I made with that feat, and what I would like to do with that feat in the future. To appeal to you. The motivation for aspiring is to write down the merits of choosing the office.

【Related article】

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⇒Points for passing the audition with an awareness of the photo and the color of the clothes

Things to be aware of in order to pass the second screening
To become an actor, face age
In the second screening, you will actually meet with the judges, so be careful about your attitude toward the judges and the staff at the venue and how you speak when you are accompanied by your parents. Some judges may judge the future of their child by looking at their parents, so if the parents fail, they may be rejected at that point. In practice, you will be given a briefing session or script along with the documents that passed the first screening, or when you arrive at the venue.

There are differences in the content of practical skills depending on the office, such as acting, dialogue, singing, and dancing, but don’t worry, you will never be asked for anything difficult in any practical skill. The important thing is to relax and show off your practical skills and special skills without being nervous. Don’t talk about things that haven’t been asked in the interview, just tell the judges in a concrete and easy-to-understand manner. Never compare yourself to your rivals.

【Related article】

⇒Introducing clothes that you like in audition interviews and 4 points to note

⇒ What are the characteristics of people who audition? Is face and body shape related to passing?

If you want to be an actor, show it in action, not in the mouth or in the opinion of a third party
To become an actor, face age
So, this time, I introduced how to become an actor, and whether face and age are related to becoming an actor. There is no way to be an actor, and on the contrary, you can be an actor in any way you want. However, it depends on the effort of the person himself, and it is unrelated to those who do nothing but excuse and do not take action.

And for those who want to be an actor, I recommend going to a training school. It’s a different story if you can see the path to becoming an actor yourself, but if you are a complete beginner (inexperienced), it costs money, but it is more efficient to have a professional illuminate the path first. is. If you don’t want to pay and look for another way, you can’t find it unless you and your parents have connections with the industry, and it’s a waste of time just looking for it.

To become an actor, face age
Nowadays, you can look up various information on the Internet regardless of whether it is credible or not, and there are various videos that can be used as reference on video sites, but nothing beats practical lessons. No matter how much knowledge you have, it is meaningless unless you can show your abilities in practice, and if you get wrong knowledge or habits on the net or video site in the first place, that will be corrected later. And improvement becomes troublesome.

Anyway, the first thing to do is to audition. The actor industry is certainly a tough world, and while your relatives and friends may not allow you to go that route, your dreams and goals shouldn’t be cheap enough to give up on that degree of adversity. is. Once you start walking that path, first show your ability to keep moving so that you don’t stop until you belong to a theater company or entertainment agency.

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Clothes that will be liked in the audition interview and 4 points to note by nobu88888

Clothes that will be liked in the audition interview and 4 points to note


Clothes that will be liked in the audition interview and 4 points to note

After passing the first screening (document screening), the next interview is waiting for you to interact directly with the judges. At the audition, are you trying to change clothes that you don’t usually wear because you want to make yourself look good? However, it may lead to the cause of the interview being dressed incorrectly. Clothing is also an important factor in interview auditions.

So what should you wear for an audition interview? There are many types of auditions, such as dancers, models, and talents, but what should I wear for each? Therefore, this time, I would like to touch on the clothes that the judges will like about the clothes for the audition interview, and at the same time, I would like to touch on four points to note, so please refer to them.

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1 Cleanliness is important in auditions
2 Simulate the human resources you want in the interview
3 It is important to make clothes “like XX”
3.1 At the audition, the hairstyle should be clean!
4 If you are a student, you can audition in school clothes
5 Dare to show your personality with simple clothes
5.1 Precautions (1) [What is simple clothes? ]
5.2 Attention 2 [Be careful of used clothes and damaged clothes! ]
5.3 Precautions ③ [Don’t be too plain]
5.4 Precautions ④ [Clothes that are easy to move]
6 Summary of this time
Cleanliness is important in auditions
Audition interview clothes
What should I wear for the audition? I want to show myself well and I want to pass. That said, wacky looks tend to be NG. For example, in the case of voice actors, cosplay tends to be avoided.

First, you need to consider what genre you applied for. For example, models, voice actors, talents, dancers, comedians, etc. can be subdivided into different types.

You need to know what kind of personnel your office is looking for. First of all, I think that there is a profile picture of seniors from the official website of the receiving office, so I will refer to that.

Cleanliness is important for the audition. Clothing that has pills, stinks, or makes you feel it is NG. If possible, I would like you to clean the clothes you wear before the interview and have them finished crisply.

Even if you send it out for cleaning, the number of places where the charge is less than 1,000 yen has increased recently. Let’s use it. And semi-formal dress is recommended. It is recommended that you wear clothes that give a decent impression rather than being solid and formal.

For example, if you have a collar, it’s better to have a crisp collar. In the case of a midsummer interview, it’s also a minus to be sweating. You may want to take a sweat sheet and wipe it lightly before the interview.

If you’re doing make-up, it’s enough to just apply it instead of rubbing it. Sweat stains can also give an unclean impression, so if you are sweaty, prepare a pad.

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⇒ What are the characteristics of people who audition? Is face and body shape related to passing?

Simulate the people you want in an interview
Audition interview clothes
At the audition, you need to know in advance what genre the office wants. This is information that is easy to obtain before auditioning, so it is a clause that you should definitely consider.

For example, if you look at the homepage of the office, you can often see pictures of seniors, so you can refer to what kind of clothes you like.

There are few full-body photos, and there are many bust-up images, but you can see that it is rare to put colored contacts or dress strangely. In fact, simple clothes are preferred.

In the case of a model, it may be natural and jeans may look good. In other cases, feminine skirts with a pale floral pattern may be preferred. If you want to apply, it’s a good idea to double-check why you recruited for the audition.

If you have a senior who you are longing for, when you say “I am longing for Mr. XX and want to do a job like XX” at the interview, I wonder if this person specifically wants to do this. You will be convinced.

The enthusiasm to “take on anything” is important, but if you say anything is fine, you may think “Is this person having no vision for the future?” And it can be a negative point. Let’s be careful.

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⇒In order to pass the audition interview with self-promotion for 30 seconds to 1 minute

We value “make it look like XX” based on clothes
Audition interview clothes
It’s a good idea to imagine the criteria for choosing clothes that match the occupation of the genre you want to play an active part in. If it’s a model, it’s like a model, and if it’s a dancer, it’s a dancer.

For comedy, a little eccentric outfit may be good, but in interviews, you usually wear ordinary clothes, and if you have a outfit, you can spread it out on the spot, and the outfit itself on the day It’s a good idea to be modest.

Bringing comedy costumes rather than wearing them conveys your enthusiasm. On the other hand, what is an NG costume? I touched on a little, but it’s filthy, too flashy, and too plain.

Flashy colors, such as shocking pink, tend to be smoke-free. The material may also stand out if it is made of nylon and is shiny.

It’s easy to think that it’s not too flashy and not too plain, but it’s a good idea to choose clothes that suit your body shape and bring out the best in it. Also, avoid highly exposed clothing. Also, don’t wear clothes that give off religion or politics.

Avoid wearing accessories as well, and keep them in one point. It would be ideal if you could walk around the city and choose clothes that would make you think, “Oh, that person is wonderful.” This is because judges often look at it from the same perspective.

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⇒Points for passing the audition with an awareness of the photo and the color of the clothes

At the audition, the hairstyle should be clean!

Let’s devise such as going to a barber shop or a hairdresser so that the hairstyle will be clean. If you apply too much wax, it may look sticky and look filthy.

The interview will look at you, so it doesn’t make sense if your hairstyle and clothes get in the way and the story doesn’t get into the judges’ heads. Avoid unusual colors and wear a natural hairstyle.

If you are a student, you can audition in school clothes
Audition interview clothes
If you are a student, you can go to the audition in uniform. Don’t you think it’s convenient in a sense because you don’t have to worry about clothes? It’s also economical because you don’t have to buy new clothes. However, the story is different when the uniform is sloppy.

The uniforms are sturdy, but it’s a good idea to have them cleaned before the audition. Also, since I am a student, I do not wear accessories. If you have pierced earrings, be sure to remove them.

During the interview, students may be instructed to come in uniform. Check the application requirements again and follow any instructions to go in uniform.

Sometimes you’re wearing something like a ring or a bracelet just because you got it from your boyfriend or girlfriend, but it’s wise to remove it.

When I was young, I tend not to worry about such things, but as long as I get a job, I can be seen as a member of society. You can’t afford to be spoiled, so be professional in your interview.

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⇒ What kind of clothes are easy to be scouted? For those who aim to make their debut in the entertainment world

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Dare to show your personality with simple clothes
Audition interview clothes
First of all, I will explain why simple clothes are good, but each person’s favorite clothes are different, but at the audition, people who wear simple clothes are better than those who are dressed strangely. Is selected.

Why on earth? It’s because you can see if it’s brilliant and has an aura in spite of its simple clothes. Wacky clothing can be fooled.

To play an active part in the entertainment world, people who have a certain amount of aura are selected. For that reason, simple clothing is preferred because it makes the aura easier to understand.

Also, the protagonist of the audition is yourself, not your clothes. There is no point in having clothes play a leading role. From this, it is no exaggeration to say that simple clothes are preferred.

It’s difficult, but even simple clothes need to be devised so that you can emphasize your personality. Again, are the clothing sizes correct? Isn’t the shoes tattered?

Shoes are also important for creating a sense of cleanliness. It’s easier to wear shoes that you’re used to, but let’s double-check that they are suitable for auditions. Shoes are a matter of course, but by washing your hands or polishing your shoes, you may be able to regain your shoes as if they were new.

It’s not a bad idea to make a new pair of shoes, but if you don’t get used to wearing them and you get beans, you may have an unnatural way of walking due to pain, so avoid unfamiliar shoes and take care of them. It would be good to choose. Next, I would like to introduce four points to note.

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Attention ① [What is simple clothes? ]

I introduced it as “simple clothes”, but that doesn’t mean that “a T-shirt and shorts are fine”. If you want to wear a T-shirt, put on a jacket from above so that the audition judges will have a “neat impression”.

It means that you have to wear clothes that make you think, “We want to work with you.” No matter how simple your clothes are, keep the minimum etiquette. You can think of the audition as a “public place”.

Note # 2 [Be careful of used clothes and damaged clothes! ]

No matter how fashionable you think you are, old clothes and jeans that have been damaged are, in a nutshell, “tattered clothes.” It is necessary to dress according to the audition, so even if you think “this is fashionable …”, it is basically safe to avoid it.

It depends on what kind of audition you are going to audition for, but in general, the judges may think, “This person … came in an insane look …”. Recruit suits don’t have to be crisp, but they require the same cleanliness and seriousness, as well as your personality. Be careful not to wear tattered clothes.

Attention ③ [Don’t be too plain]

The simple idea that “if simple clothes are fine, monotone is fine” is also wrong. The reason why plain clothes are not good is that people think, “I’m in the entertainment world, but this person has no glamor.”

The monotone outfit itself is good, but it’s a good idea to make the shirt a fashionable shirt, wrap a scarf as a color scheme, or make the belt a little fashionable for men.

It’s difficult to say that it’s not flashy or sober, but it’s a good idea to take a selfie in front of a mirror and look at it objectively later.

Or you can show it to a friend and see the reaction. At that time, it’s a good idea to choose a friend who always cares about fashion.

Attention ④ [Clothes that are easy to move]

Seeking acting on the spot

I don’t know what happens when I’m sung, sung, or auditioned. At that time, you will move your body, so it is not recommended to wear tight clothing or foundation garments.

Gabogabo clothes are also NG, but the ideal clothes are those that fit your body perfectly. In the self-promotion scene, clothes that induce failure are not selected by audition.

easy to move
Easy to express yourself
It’s a good idea to wear clothes like … In some cases, you may change your clothes for self-promotion. In such a case, I think that the notification has been given in advance, so please check the application requirements properly.

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