Pass the audition of the theater company even if you are inexperienced (beginner)

Pass the audition of the theater company even if you are inexperienced (beginner) by nobu88888

Pass the audition of the theater company even if you are inexperienced (beginner)

Pass the audition of the theater company even if you are inexperienced (beginner)

Many people want to join a theater company, but the purpose of joining a theater company varies from person to person. There may be people who are aiming to appear on the so-called stage (musical), or are they aiming for the entertainment world, or for other reasons. However, although I said that I wanted to join the group, I’m wondering if it’s okay for me, who is completely inexperienced (beginner) in singing, dancing, and acting.

For such people, this time I would like to introduce whether even inexperienced (beginners) can pass the theater company audition, and what kind of things will be done in the audition. And while explaining how difficult it is to join a theater company, I would like to explain what kind of things you should start with to get closer to joining a theater company. However, let’s keep it as a reference.

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1 Clarify what you want to join the theater company
1.1 The reality is that only a small number of people can live as members of the theater company.
2 Can a beginner (inexperienced) pass the audition of the theater company?
3 First, let’s challenge an audition with no experience
4 Audition Part 1 [First screening]
4.1 To take a picture that can pass the first screening
4.2 About clothes for audition photos
4.3 About the shooting location of audition photos
4.4 Motivation for application form (resume) and how to write self-promotion
5 Audition Part 2 [Secondary Examination]
5.1 Growth potential and future potential are more important than acting and singing in the practical examination
5.2 Interviews (questions and answers) conducted in the second screening
5.3 Thorough minimum courtesy and manners
6 Make sure you develop your dreams in the lessons of the training school
6.1 Recommended training center to get closer to your dreams
7 Let’s grasp the color of the theater company in advance so that you will not regret it
Clarify what you want to join the theater company
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
The reasons for wanting to join a theater company differ depending on the person and age. For example, those who are aiming to play the leading role Annie in “Annie”, which is the gateway to child musicals, those who are aiming to join the famous “Takarazuka Revue” and “Shiki Theater Company”, or those who make their debut in the entertainment world. There are various people who want to acquire other skills such as acting at a theater company (training center).

In a word, the theater company wants to enter a training school (school) such as “Theatrical Company Himawari” or “Theatrical Company Tohai”, or as mentioned earlier, “Takarazuka Revue” or “Shiki Theater Company”. Let’s clarify whether you want to join a major theater company like this. There is no doubt that both are theater companies, but depending on the path you are aiming for, the theater companies you should join are slightly different.

Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
To explain the difference quickly, at training centers such as “Himawari Theater Group” and “Himawari Theater Group”, some excellent and talented people take lessons for commercials and dramas. I will be appearing. At first, there are many jobs as extras and few guarantees, but by stepping on such a number of places, it will gradually become possible for some people to appear in the leading role, and there will be corresponding guarantees.

On the other hand, “Takarazuka Revue” and “Shiki Theater Company”, which are famous as extremely difficult to join, do not suddenly stand on the stage (musical) if they pass the audition first. “Takarazuka Revue” is at Takarazuka Music School (about 2 million yen or more in two years), and “Shiki Theater Company” takes one year lessons. In both cases, if you can become a research student at first and then become a member of a theater company from a strict magnification, you will be able to set up on the stage and get paid.

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It is also a reality that only a small number of people can live as members of the theater company
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
It is the same that only a small number of people, whether they are members of a theater company or entertainers, can eat by themselves. Even if you spend a lot of money to take professional lessons, it depends on your ability and luck whether you can become a member of a theater company or make your debut in the entertainment world. Especially in the case of members of a theater company, there are many cases where it is necessary to open a business to handle tickets for the stage, and if they cannot sell out, they may have to buy the tickets at their own expense.

The places where salaries are paid like “Shiki Theater Company” are very limited, and the world of the stage (musical) is tougher than I think. Of course, even in the entertainment world, no matter how much money you spend on lessons in the past, it is up to the office and viewers to decide whether or not there is a final demand. While there are people in the world who are pursuing their dreams while working part-time, there are many who cannot find employment at all due to their qualifications and age.

Can a beginner (inexperienced) pass the audition of the theater company?
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
There are many people who are aiming to join famous major theater companies such as “Shiki Theater Company” and “Takarazuka Revue”, but to be honest, the world is sweet enough for a complete beginner (inexperienced) to pass. Is not. If you have a little experience in singing, dancing, or acting, or if you have participated in school club activities or cultural festivals in the past, it will not work at all. Let’s never fall in love with such achievements.

In the auditions of famous theater companies as mentioned above, practical skills and interviews are conducted in the second screening, and although it is rough, the screening of singing, dancing, acting, etc. is basically performed. Most of the people who can pass the audition are advanced people who have taken full-scale lessons such as ballet and singing since childhood, and those who are judged to be more elite from those advanced people finally enter the school. You can take lessons.

Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
It’s important to have a dream, but even if a complete amateur applies for an audition where advanced people gather, it will be difficult to become a member of a theater company or even enter a theater company school in the first place. So, first of all, it is necessary to acquire the ability to pass in the industry by going to a training school, and of course it takes a lot of money to go, so it is sweet to be free without spending money Let’s throw away the illusion.

On the other hand, even if you are thinking of joining a theater company in a training school aiming for the entertainment world (actor), let’s understand that there is no famous training school that you can enter for free or cheaply. If you pass the audition as a scholarship student, you may be exempted from some or all of the entrance fee, but it is not easy to become a scholarship student. And the costly and well-known training centers offer high-level lessons and equipment at a high price.

First of all, let’s challenge the audition without any experience
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Basically, you can apply for most auditions except for your age, but if you belong to a major office or theater company, you need to have the appropriate ability. So, if you are seriously aiming for a stage debut or a debut in the entertainment world, why not start by taking an audition that is being recruited by a training school or school.

However, for those who are auditioning for the first time, what is being done in the audition and what to be aware of in order to pass it is a completely unknown world for beginners. The content of the audition may differ slightly depending on the office or theater company, but it is not so different, so it is important to get used to it by taking various auditions.

Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
In both the stage and the entertainment world, most of the people who are aiming for their debut are those who audition for major companies or wait for scouts. For example, if you are a major theater company, if you become a member of a theater company, you will certainly get a salary, if you belong to a major entertainment agency, you can take lessons for free, and if there is demand, you will have more jobs and a lot of guarantees. However, the reality is that the passing rate of auditions is very low for both major theater companies and offices.

Even if you apply for an audition that a major company is looking for without any knowledge, experience, or ability, you will not pass it unless you find a talented person who has found a great future. Those who are still active in any field understand how detours (taking lessons at training centers) will eventually become a shortcut, and only those who have been steadily spending the era of laying down. Then, I will introduce the audition contents and tips for passing from the following items.

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Audition Part 1 [First screening]
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Basically, you need to have a resume and a photo for the first screening of any audition. Recently, there are places where you can apply online directly from the official website, but there are also places where you can download and print a special application form, and after filling out the application guidelines, enclose the photo and mail it. If you don’t have a special application form, you can purchase a resume sold at the shop and mail it with a photo.

What is important in the first screening (document screening) is the motivation and self-promotion that you filled out in the photo and resume. Some application forms have a place to enter your background, but you can make a stronger appeal to the judges by filling in lessons and graduation from the training school. Please note that you will often have two photos, a bust-up photo and a full-body photo, and if the photo is not suitable for your application, you may be rejected before you see the application form.

To take a picture that can pass the first screening
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Instead of just taking a selfie of yourself, you need to prepare a photo for it in order to apply for the audition. In the case of a full-body photo, be sure to face the front so that it goes from the tip of the head to the toes of the feet, and the camera can make the legs look longer by taking a picture from the height of the navel in the middle of the body. Posing should be limited to crossing your legs and never excessively posing.

Make sure that the bust-up photo is from the chest to the tip of your head, and be sure to face the front as well. The main parts are the face and facial expressions, so if you have long bangs, separate or raise them so that you can see the forehead and shoot with a natural smile. You don’t have to worry about dentition and acne, and you can heal as much as you want after you belong.

About clothes for audition photos
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
As for clothes, as long as you can see the line of your body and have a clean feeling, there is often no problem with any clothes or colors. In general, women can safely wear shorts or miniskirts on their tank tops, or shoulder-length and mini-length dresses. If you’re a man, it’s okay to wear a shirt and slender trousers. The color of the clothes is also an important point that unexpectedly impresses the judges.

Even in fields other than theatrical companies, such as voice actors, which seemingly have nothing to do with style or clothing, photography is a very important part for breaking through the first screening, so I want to keep an eye on it. If you are aiming for the entertainment world, you don’t have to worry about your face or style. For babies and children, it’s not always necessary to wear branded clothing, so be sure to choose clothing that suits you.

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About the location where the audition photo was taken
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
You can take pictures outside or at home, but be sure to take them in a bright place.

let’s do it. If you’re shooting in the house, the background should be curtains or doors, both of which should be just one color and not too flashy. It is better not to shoot with a flash, but to shoot in a bright room where the sun shines, but if the sunlight is too strong, it will have the opposite effect, so soft sunlight in the morning is the best.

When shooting outside, it seems common for the background to be a park or the sky. One thing to keep in mind when shooting in the park is that you don’t want to see too many people in the picture. In other words, if the background is not messy, you can shoot anywhere. It seems that some people sometimes send photos with friends for some reason, but be careful as it is only a material for failure. For babies, don’t mess with toys.

Motivation for application form (resume) and how to write self-promotion
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Both motivation and self-promotion are essential parts for passing the first screening. Let’s briefly summarize why you chose this theater company (office) from among many motives, and what kind of future you are envisioning by belonging. It may be good to write not only a simple reason such as “because XX belongs”, but also what kind of benefits you can get by choosing this theater company that other theater companies do not have.

Regarding self-promotion, narrow down to one of the feats and hobbies that you are most confident about. If you write as short as possible about when you started learning that feat, why you thought you should learn it, what kind of experience and achievements you achieved with that feat, etc., it will not affect the judges. .. There is a clear difference between aspirational motives and self-promotion, but they are still the same in terms of appealing to you.

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Audition Part 2 [Secondary Examination]
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
The meaning of the audition is from the second screening, where practical skills and interviews are held, and depending on the location, camera tests may also be held. If there is a special skill that can be done on the spot, it may be shown on the spot during the question and answer session. In the second screening, we actually meet with the audition participants and judge their acting ability, singing ability, and dancing ability through practical skills, but their humanity is strictly seen.

In addition to basic courtesy and etiquette, it is important to make a good impression on staff other than the judges as well as to pass the second screening. From babies to minors, parents will participate in the audition, and parents are also carefully checked by the judges, so be aware of how to deal with your child and attitudes and remarks to the venue staff. This is where I want to go.

Growth potential and future potential are more important than acting and singing in the practical examination
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
If you are a major theater company or office, it is difficult to pass in the second screening if you do not have the ability to perform and sing. However, since training centers will learn skills from now on, there is a tendency to emphasize the minimum motivation and enthusiasm rather than practical skills. Of course, there is a possibility that you will be selected as a scholarship student for those who already have the ability.

As a simple flow of the second screening, there is a pattern that the script is enclosed in the documents that passed the first screening, or it is handed over at the audition venue on the day or a briefing session is held. You don’t have to worry because the script and dance of the acting you are given is not difficult, but if you can afford it, you don’t just act according to the script, but you want to put your own originality there.

About the interview (question and answer) conducted in the second screening
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
Depending on the location, group (whole) interviews or individual interviews are held, but in general, judges often ask questions while looking at the application form (resume) prepared in the first screening. You will never be asked unreasonable demands or difficult questions, so just relax and answer the questions without being nervous. Don’t mess around with what you haven’t heard when asked, just answer what you’re asked.

Obviously, be careful about how you speak to the judges, avoid saying “dangerous” or “seriously” that you usually use, and always speak in honorifics, not in tame words. I know I’m nervous, but I’ll do my best to make a good impression on the judges by speaking loudly. Don’t forget to smile and give a lively and positive impression, and always be aware of positive remarks instead of negative remarks in self-promotion.

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Thorough minimum courtesy and manners
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
As I mentioned many times before about the importance of courtesy and etiquette, humanity is also judged quite rigorously in the second screening, so those who are auditioning with a half-hearted feeling will be limited in an instant. .. A typical example is late arrival, but if you are late for the audition venue, you will almost always be rejected. If possible, I would like to arrive at the venue 30 minutes to 1 hour in advance.

And make sure to give a good impression to the staff at the venue, even if you are not a judge. It is important to be aware that you are always being watched, as it is possible that you may be connected to the people involved in unexpected places. At the venue, you may have to wait in the waiting room until your turn comes, but don’t talk to other people and just wait for your turn. This is especially important for those who are used to auditions.

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After making sure that every dream is proficient in the lessons of the training school
Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
From those who want to join a major theater company to those who are aiming to make their debut in the entertainment world, both begin with acquiring the ability to be accepted in the industry. If you only need to play or have a hobby, you can refer to reference books and online videos. However, if you want to become a professional in earnest, it is probably the quickest way to learn from a professional in the industry.

For example, in order to join a theater company, you need to have the minimum singing ability, acting ability, and dancing ability, but if you can do these three things, you cannot always become a member of the theater company. Each one requires more detailed expressiveness, and the training center teaches detailed tips that cannot be learned from books and videos, and lacks even one dance, singing, or acting ability. should not do.

Theatrical company audition inexperienced beginner
If you want to go on the stage (musical) road, the famous one is “Musical Academy”. Here, not only the skills and expressiveness to stand on the stage, but also only graduates and selected people can take the “Advance Academy”. The tuition fee for “Musical Academy” is about 200,000 yen for 6 months including entrance fee and consumption tax, and 600,000 yen for 1 year for “Advance Academy”.

For those who want to enter the entertainment world, it is recommended to go to popular training centers such as “Himawari Theater Group” and “Himawari Theater Group” as mentioned at the beginning. You can take lessons that meet the needs of not only the entertainment world but also those who want to perform on stage (musical). Since there are so many training centers in the world, the above two are taken as examples, but I will omit them because there are no other points to introduce.

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