Clothes that will be liked in the audition interview and 4 points to note by nobu88888

Clothes that will be liked in the audition interview and 4 points to note


Clothes that will be liked in the audition interview and 4 points to note

After passing the first screening (document screening), the next interview is waiting for you to interact directly with the judges. At the audition, are you trying to change clothes that you don’t usually wear because you want to make yourself look good? However, it may lead to the cause of the interview being dressed incorrectly. Clothing is also an important factor in interview auditions.

So what should you wear for an audition interview? There are many types of auditions, such as dancers, models, and talents, but what should I wear for each? Therefore, this time, I would like to touch on the clothes that the judges will like about the clothes for the audition interview, and at the same time, I would like to touch on four points to note, so please refer to them.

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1 Cleanliness is important in auditions
2 Simulate the human resources you want in the interview
3 It is important to make clothes “like XX”
3.1 At the audition, the hairstyle should be clean!
4 If you are a student, you can audition in school clothes
5 Dare to show your personality with simple clothes
5.1 Precautions (1) [What is simple clothes? ]
5.2 Attention 2 [Be careful of used clothes and damaged clothes! ]
5.3 Precautions ③ [Don’t be too plain]
5.4 Precautions ④ [Clothes that are easy to move]
6 Summary of this time
Cleanliness is important in auditions
Audition interview clothes
What should I wear for the audition? I want to show myself well and I want to pass. That said, wacky looks tend to be NG. For example, in the case of voice actors, cosplay tends to be avoided.

First, you need to consider what genre you applied for. For example, models, voice actors, talents, dancers, comedians, etc. can be subdivided into different types.

You need to know what kind of personnel your office is looking for. First of all, I think that there is a profile picture of seniors from the official website of the receiving office, so I will refer to that.

Cleanliness is important for the audition. Clothing that has pills, stinks, or makes you feel it is NG. If possible, I would like you to clean the clothes you wear before the interview and have them finished crisply.

Even if you send it out for cleaning, the number of places where the charge is less than 1,000 yen has increased recently. Let’s use it. And semi-formal dress is recommended. It is recommended that you wear clothes that give a decent impression rather than being solid and formal.

For example, if you have a collar, it’s better to have a crisp collar. In the case of a midsummer interview, it’s also a minus to be sweating. You may want to take a sweat sheet and wipe it lightly before the interview.

If you’re doing make-up, it’s enough to just apply it instead of rubbing it. Sweat stains can also give an unclean impression, so if you are sweaty, prepare a pad.

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Simulate the people you want in an interview
Audition interview clothes
At the audition, you need to know in advance what genre the office wants. This is information that is easy to obtain before auditioning, so it is a clause that you should definitely consider.

For example, if you look at the homepage of the office, you can often see pictures of seniors, so you can refer to what kind of clothes you like.

There are few full-body photos, and there are many bust-up images, but you can see that it is rare to put colored contacts or dress strangely. In fact, simple clothes are preferred.

In the case of a model, it may be natural and jeans may look good. In other cases, feminine skirts with a pale floral pattern may be preferred. If you want to apply, it’s a good idea to double-check why you recruited for the audition.

If you have a senior who you are longing for, when you say “I am longing for Mr. XX and want to do a job like XX” at the interview, I wonder if this person specifically wants to do this. You will be convinced.

The enthusiasm to “take on anything” is important, but if you say anything is fine, you may think “Is this person having no vision for the future?” And it can be a negative point. Let’s be careful.

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We value “make it look like XX” based on clothes
Audition interview clothes
It’s a good idea to imagine the criteria for choosing clothes that match the occupation of the genre you want to play an active part in. If it’s a model, it’s like a model, and if it’s a dancer, it’s a dancer.

For comedy, a little eccentric outfit may be good, but in interviews, you usually wear ordinary clothes, and if you have a outfit, you can spread it out on the spot, and the outfit itself on the day It’s a good idea to be modest.

Bringing comedy costumes rather than wearing them conveys your enthusiasm. On the other hand, what is an NG costume? I touched on a little, but it’s filthy, too flashy, and too plain.

Flashy colors, such as shocking pink, tend to be smoke-free. The material may also stand out if it is made of nylon and is shiny.

It’s easy to think that it’s not too flashy and not too plain, but it’s a good idea to choose clothes that suit your body shape and bring out the best in it. Also, avoid highly exposed clothing. Also, don’t wear clothes that give off religion or politics.

Avoid wearing accessories as well, and keep them in one point. It would be ideal if you could walk around the city and choose clothes that would make you think, “Oh, that person is wonderful.” This is because judges often look at it from the same perspective.

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At the audition, the hairstyle should be clean!

Let’s devise such as going to a barber shop or a hairdresser so that the hairstyle will be clean. If you apply too much wax, it may look sticky and look filthy.

The interview will look at you, so it doesn’t make sense if your hairstyle and clothes get in the way and the story doesn’t get into the judges’ heads. Avoid unusual colors and wear a natural hairstyle.

If you are a student, you can audition in school clothes
Audition interview clothes
If you are a student, you can go to the audition in uniform. Don’t you think it’s convenient in a sense because you don’t have to worry about clothes? It’s also economical because you don’t have to buy new clothes. However, the story is different when the uniform is sloppy.

The uniforms are sturdy, but it’s a good idea to have them cleaned before the audition. Also, since I am a student, I do not wear accessories. If you have pierced earrings, be sure to remove them.

During the interview, students may be instructed to come in uniform. Check the application requirements again and follow any instructions to go in uniform.

Sometimes you’re wearing something like a ring or a bracelet just because you got it from your boyfriend or girlfriend, but it’s wise to remove it.

When I was young, I tend not to worry about such things, but as long as I get a job, I can be seen as a member of society. You can’t afford to be spoiled, so be professional in your interview.

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Dare to show your personality with simple clothes
Audition interview clothes
First of all, I will explain why simple clothes are good, but each person’s favorite clothes are different, but at the audition, people who wear simple clothes are better than those who are dressed strangely. Is selected.

Why on earth? It’s because you can see if it’s brilliant and has an aura in spite of its simple clothes. Wacky clothing can be fooled.

To play an active part in the entertainment world, people who have a certain amount of aura are selected. For that reason, simple clothing is preferred because it makes the aura easier to understand.

Also, the protagonist of the audition is yourself, not your clothes. There is no point in having clothes play a leading role. From this, it is no exaggeration to say that simple clothes are preferred.

It’s difficult, but even simple clothes need to be devised so that you can emphasize your personality. Again, are the clothing sizes correct? Isn’t the shoes tattered?

Shoes are also important for creating a sense of cleanliness. It’s easier to wear shoes that you’re used to, but let’s double-check that they are suitable for auditions. Shoes are a matter of course, but by washing your hands or polishing your shoes, you may be able to regain your shoes as if they were new.

It’s not a bad idea to make a new pair of shoes, but if you don’t get used to wearing them and you get beans, you may have an unnatural way of walking due to pain, so avoid unfamiliar shoes and take care of them. It would be good to choose. Next, I would like to introduce four points to note.

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Attention ① [What is simple clothes? ]

I introduced it as “simple clothes”, but that doesn’t mean that “a T-shirt and shorts are fine”. If you want to wear a T-shirt, put on a jacket from above so that the audition judges will have a “neat impression”.

It means that you have to wear clothes that make you think, “We want to work with you.” No matter how simple your clothes are, keep the minimum etiquette. You can think of the audition as a “public place”.

Note # 2 [Be careful of used clothes and damaged clothes! ]

No matter how fashionable you think you are, old clothes and jeans that have been damaged are, in a nutshell, “tattered clothes.” It is necessary to dress according to the audition, so even if you think “this is fashionable …”, it is basically safe to avoid it.

It depends on what kind of audition you are going to audition for, but in general, the judges may think, “This person … came in an insane look …”. Recruit suits don’t have to be crisp, but they require the same cleanliness and seriousness, as well as your personality. Be careful not to wear tattered clothes.

Attention ③ [Don’t be too plain]

The simple idea that “if simple clothes are fine, monotone is fine” is also wrong. The reason why plain clothes are not good is that people think, “I’m in the entertainment world, but this person has no glamor.”

The monotone outfit itself is good, but it’s a good idea to make the shirt a fashionable shirt, wrap a scarf as a color scheme, or make the belt a little fashionable for men.

It’s difficult to say that it’s not flashy or sober, but it’s a good idea to take a selfie in front of a mirror and look at it objectively later.

Or you can show it to a friend and see the reaction. At that time, it’s a good idea to choose a friend who always cares about fashion.

Attention ④ [Clothes that are easy to move]

Seeking acting on the spot

I don’t know what happens when I’m sung, sung, or auditioned. At that time, you will move your body, so it is not recommended to wear tight clothing or foundation garments.

Gabogabo clothes are also NG, but the ideal clothes are those that fit your body perfectly. In the self-promotion scene, clothes that induce failure are not selected by audition.

easy to move
Easy to express yourself
It’s a good idea to wear clothes like … In some cases, you may change your clothes for self-promotion. In such a case, I think that the notification has been given in advance, so please check the application requirements properly.

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